Why All Writers Need
Editing Services

By Mary Kole

Mary Kole is a former literary agent, freelance editor, writing teacher, author of Writing Irresistible Kidlit, and IP developer for major publishers, with over a decade in the publishing industry.

Writing can be a daunting task, and a lonely one, which means that editing services can add insight and camaraderie to any writer’s process. After spending hours or days crafting the perfect piece, you may feel that your work is complete. However, in their rush to submit, writers can overlook one of the most important steps of the writing process: editing. Professional editing services can help you take your writing to the next level by improving the clarity, accuracy, structure, voice, and readability of your manuscript. But how do you know when it’s time to invest in editing services? And whether you’re ready? Let’s dig in.

How to Use Editing Services

Editing services can be beneficial in several scenarios. Here are the most common that I encounter in my editing services practice:

1) In the Beginning: It might seem strange to use editing services at the beginning of your writing journey, but getting advice and customized feedback early in the process can really help you find your way with intention.

2) To Find Clarity: If you’ve written something but find it difficult to explain your ideas clearly, then you may need professional help from editing services. An editor can identify areas of improvement and provide focus points. Sometimes, a trusted source can help you talk through and strategize your own thinking.

3) Before Submitting Your Work: When you’re ready to submit to a literary agent or publishing house (or if you’re about to upload a self-published project), investing in editing services for your work before submitting it can make all the difference. An editor will review your document for any potential errors that might lead to rejected submissions or lost opportunities. A provider of editing services may also recommend an additional revision or consideration points that you might not catch, in your desire to get out there.

4) Before Publishing Your Work: Before publishing anything online or in print, it is important to make sure your writing meets industry standards for quality and accuracy. For fiction work, structure and emotional resonance are key, and they don’t just happen by accident. A professional editor providing editing services is your last line of defense before your work goes out into the world.

editing services

Are Editing Services Right for You?

Using editing services is an important step in producing high-quality writing pieces that reflect your intentions and are as compelling as possible for the intended audience. Having an experienced set of eyes in your corner—in the form of editing services—can help you level up both your manuscript and your writing craft.

So when do you need editing services? The answer is simple—whenever you believe they’d be helpful to take you to the next level.