Editing Services Rates
These rates are for consulting services and most are flat rates, not dependent on word count.
30-Minute Phone Consultation $249 ➞
Hourlong Phone Consultation $399 ➞
“After 30 minutes of talking with Mary, I knew exactly what my project needed to move forward in the right direction. I knew what I was doing well and what needed shifting. It was invaluable to me to get that feedback and advice from someone so knowledgeable in the industry. I also just really enjoyed speaking with her!”
Some of these rates depend on word count, and quoted word counts are examples. Submission Package Edit, Query Letter and Synopsis Edit, and 100-Page Edit investments are fixed. Full Manuscript Edit and Manuscript Overview investments will depend on your particular manuscript length.
Picture Book from $499 ➞
Picture Book (With Illustrations) from $899 ➞
Submission Package Edit $699 ➞
Book Proposal Edit from $699 ➞
100-Page Edit $2,199 ➞
Full Manuscript Edit $3,999 for 50,000 words ➞
Manuscript Overview $1,999 for 50,000 words ➞
“I think it would have taken years of trial and error to figure out on my own what I learned from you.”
“You have made me think so long and hard about my novel. Your service is without doubt world class and worth every cent.”
“Mary Kole encourages you to go deeper into your manuscript. You’ll find gems you didn’t know were down there. A wonderful experience.”