How to Outline a Novel and
Shake Up Your Writing

By Mary Kole

Mary Kole is a former literary agent, freelance editor, writing teacher, author of Writing Irresistible Kidlit, and IP developer for major publishers, with over a decade in the publishing industry.

Writing a novel is no small task, but if you outline a novel, you might find your next book-length project flowing a lot more smoothly. There are so many elements to consider and plan for when you’re writing a novel, from character arcs to plot twists. Don’t forget secondary characters, subplots, and universal theme. But when you outline a novel, you can save yourself time and energy during the drafting phase by doing a significant part of the thinking and decision-making ahead of time. Here’s how you can benefit your creative writing process by learning how to outline a novel.

Ingredients to Include When You Outline a Novel

When you outline a novel, be sure to include all the puzzle pieces that will comprise your story: setting, characters, important plot points, internal conflict, external conflict, crucial relationships, subplots, etc. It should include any pieces of information that are critical to the story you want to tell. Don’t forget any tropes you want or need to use for your genre, as well as a sense of your universal theme.

In terms of developing your protagonist when you outline a novel, you will also want to consider their objective, motivation, backstory, character wound, and character need. If there’s any research that you need to do (for example, if you’re writing in a historical setting), you can either do it now or earmark it for later. (Though the more you know about your story, the more cohesive your initial outline.)

Finally, be sure to leave space for additional details as they come up during the writing or revision process to give your creativity room to flourish. In the debate of pantsers vs plotters, pantsers do have the right idea about spontaneity, but I still recommend that you try to outline a novel if you’ve never done it before.

When you outline a novel structure, think about what kind of events will have the most impact on your characters and build from there. Each event should lead logically into the next in order for it all to make logical sense, as well as emotional sense for your character turning points. As you go through this process, think about drawing connections, adding layers, and developing opportunities for complexity.

Once the book starts to take shape inside your head—and on paper with your outline—you’re ready to write!

outline a novel

Using Your Novel Outline to Draft

Even if you feel you’ve done your best to outline a novel that makes sense, you can always get feedback at this stage to make sure you’re on the right track. Enlist help from a trust critique partner, beta reader, or even a developmental editor. They’ll be able to tell you whether your outline makes sense or seems like it’ll be an exciting read.

Start by breaking your draft down into manageable chunks—this could mean writing 500 words per session, or even up to a chapter—then focus on writing one piece at a time until you reach the end of your first draft.

When you outline a novel and trust the process, it’s much easier to stay focused on what needs to be written next instead of getting distracted by other ideas, getting snared in writer’s block, or rabbit-holing off topic while writing. But the opposite advice can apply, too. If you outline a novel too tightly, you can get hung up on following every bullet point, even if the drafting process is pulling you in a different direction. As long as all the necessary pieces are accounted for (setting/character/plot), feel free to rearrange things however makes sense, removing elements, or embellishing things in the moment, too.

Working from a road map when you outline a novel can be invaluable for any creative writer tackling a book-length project. A story outline helps keep all of the many moving parts of a good story organized, while allowing you room for creativity during the actual writing process. By thoroughly planning out your story before diving into drafting, you can save yourself time and energy. Outline a novel and see the difference for yourself with your next project.

Click here to purchase Writing Irresistible Kidlit, my book on fiction craft for MG and YA novels, out from Writer's Digest Books. This will show you my writing craft philosophy and give you lots of valuable advice, including tips for the novel revision process and self-editing. There are over 35 example novels cited and discussed throughout. It’s a valuable resource for any writer’s toolkit.

Click here to purchase Irresistible Query Letters, my book on query letters, including over forty examples with comprehensive notes on each one. There’s a ton of submission advice, best practices, and insider information in these pages, and you’ll really enjoy seeing what other writers are doing in the slush. 

Click here to purchase Writing Interiority: Crafting Irresistible Characters, my book on interiority and character creation. Explore your protagonist’s thoughts, feelings, reactions and interpretations, expectations, and inner struggles to create a rich, immersive experience. This guide will empower you to create characters who live and breathe on the page, fostering an unbreakable bond with your audience.